Saturday, March 15, 2014

And now we're in Tucson

Day 8
We rode 68.9 miles from Casa Grande to the Catalina State Park just north of Tucson. It is a beautiful place and is the setting for our first "rest day".  I rode alone for most of the day and arrived very early even though I wasn't trying to ride fast. I am staying in a nearby hotel with Mark who came down again to hang out and drive me around. I wanted to reorganize all my "stuff" in my duffle bags and this is a perfect opportunity.
Catalina State Park
Day 7
A great 77.4 mile speed fest from Gila Bend to  Casa Grande AZ. After a gentle climb of 800 feet or so we had a gradual downhill for 20+ miles. Scott, Mike and I had a paceline going at about 25-26 mph till we hit the next climb. THAT was FUN! Since there was little to no wind and even a brief stretch of a weak tailwind, we kept up a 20+/- run even on the broken up roads to a Mexican Cantina and Restaurant for some well deserved refreshments.

We stayed at a High School that has a culinary class so the students cooked our dinner and breakfast the next morning. My good friend Mark Penman drove over from his home just 20-30 minutes away and had dinner with us.

1 comment:

  1. This is a test for a Boob that is is still living in a world without 'Blogs". Why would anyone want to read it.......FR
