Saturday, February 1, 2014

How quickly we become jaded...

So, please don't pay any attention to the guy behind the curtain below who said he'd never be able to fill his duffle bags for this trip. I mean, really, what does HE know?

I have (singlehandedly I might add) managed to fill MORE THAN FULL three LARGE duffle bags (well, a 24", a 30" and a 36" duffle) for this trip... Who knew?  It's like taking a kid into a candy shop.. well not really, no kid would be dumb enough to state at the get-go they couldn't eat ALL the candy in the store....

Seriously? I have to pare down?? Seriously???

The bike is all set to go: with brand new 700x28s Schwalbes, SKS fenders, Avid brakes, Jagwire cables, Dyad rims, FSA handlebar, Profile Design aerobars (for a thousand miles+ of truly fun headwinds) and new cassette, crank and chain.. Same old Ti frame, saddle and rack. She rides great and stops on a dime.  I'll take a pic tomorrow at PMP and post it on the Gear page.

I have arranged for the shipping box and shipment to San Diego (via FedEx) to arrive at the recommended bike shop a few days before I arrive on March 4th. I'll pack a few items in with the bike, ship an additional box to the hotel and take just one or maybe two bags on the airliner. Shipping a large box for $30 thru FedEx to San Diego will a be a LOT cheaper than that nasty, $150 highway robbery fee for the third bag!!!

At just under 5 weeks to go, I am getting in well over 200 miles a week of hard rides, intervals and moderate effort long rides so I should be as ready as I can without hills to train on. My neighbor has set us up to ride a charity ride in Palm Beach on Feb. 15th so those 62+ miles should be fun and good training but still flat.

Truth to tell, being a warm weather kinda guy, the COLD has me lots more worried than the hills. The other riders should thank me: I have bought enough cold weather clothing to virtually guarantee everyone that we will have a terrible heatwave every day across the southern USA for two months, not those high 20s/low 30s morning starts they had last year!

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